The Hole II 空穴來風 II
吳君錦 (策展人)
The art exhibition ‘The Hole’ draws inspiration from the Chinese idiom 空穴來風 (“the wind through the empty hollow”), exploring the interplay between potentiality and transformation. As stated in the preface of this traveling exhibition’s first edition:“Creating holes in an overfilled world.” These holes serve as spatial constructs, both physical and conceptual, forming pathways through time and space, where the tangible and intangible converge.
For its second stop, ‘The Hole II’ arrives in Hong Kong, featuring over 40 contemporary jewellery art pieces crafted by 20 international artists. The exhibition presents both individual expressions and artistic dialogues, inviting viewers to experience the world through emptiness and void - a pure openness that allows one to merge with and become part of the world. Through this emptiness, things are no longer confined to sameness; instead, they embrace difference, mutual interpenetration, and a deeper sense of empathy and acceptance.
March in Hong Kong is warm and breezy, a fitting backdrop for the city’s vibrant art month. As ‘The Hole II’ arrives in this metropolis, it seeks to carve out an infinite void within a finite space, reflecting the city’s cultural textures. Rather than seeking to fill this void, the exhibition invites visitors to interpret it in their own way - whether as a fleeting moment of reflection, like a mayfly, or as an unhurried journey of imagination. The essence of the exhibition -“an empty hollow through which the wind flows, its meaning boundless”-may already be unfolding on its own.
Jun Jin Wu (Curator)
February 2025