The Most Beautiful Christmas Gift is One Made by You - Christmas Workshop 2024
LLEMS Collaboration
Inspired by the intricate symbols of Hanzi, LLEMS uniquely fuses precise scents with the essence of Chinese characters, enhancing the sensory experience of language.
Belinda Chang and three distinguished artisans collaborate with LLEMS, each applying their expert craftsmanship to interpret specific scents and Hanzi. Visit us to delve into this imaginative blend of words, craftsmanship, and scent, immersing yourself in a multisensory exploration at LLEMS.
Thank You Yuko Araki-san for Shopping at OBELLERY!
Japanese actress and fashion model, Yuko Araki, recently visited Hong Kong and indulged in the exquisite offerings at Obellery! We extend our heartfelt thanks for choosing us. Delve into the glamour of her Hong Kong shopping escapade by watching her exclusive YouTube video through the link below!
Christmas-special Enamelling Workshop!
This Christmas season, we're infusing our Champlevé Enameling workshop with a touch of festive magic, featuring enchanting snowflake patterns. Additionally, we're thrilled to introduce a special Christmas edition of our Plique-à-jour Enameling class, offering you a unique opportunity to craft exquisite jewelry adorned with delightful snowflake designs.
New Rectangular-shaped Signet Rings Available for Workshop!
嘩嘩嘩!新款呀~現在印章戒指工作坊除了圓型的款式外,方型的也可以自己動手製作了。Wow! Look at the new rectangular signet rings! Besides rounded and oval-shaped, you may now also craft the rectangular-shaped ones at our signet ring workshop.
New Lab-grown Diamond Option!
New Workshop - Champlevé Enameling Jewellery Workshop
The term champlevé comes from the two French words "champ," a field, and "levé," raised. In this technique raised fields, or areas of metal, are incorporated into the finished design and the enamel is inlayed into recessed compartments.
Champlevé Enameling workshop will be held at Obellery Studio. For this class, we offers a range of patterned silver temple plates to choose from, providing a great base for your design. During the workshop, you will learn about the wet processing technique and receive guidance on how to apply the transparent enamel color. You will also have access to a variety of colored enamels, allowing you to create a truly unique piece of jewelry.
Happy New Year of the Rabbit & Holiday Schedule Notice!
🐰 恭祝兔年大吉大利!🐰
🐰 🐰 Wishing You a Prosperous Year of the Rabbit!🐰 🐰
OBELLERY敬祝您兔年兔躍新程、 福兔綿延! 本店將於年三十(一月廿一號)提早五點收爐,並於初一至初五(一月廿二號至廿六號)休息,初六(廿七號)啟市,到時見!
Obellery wishes you good health and much success in the new year of the rabbit! We will be closed early on the 21st at 5pm and closed for holiday starting from Jan 22nd to Jan 26th and reopen as usual on Jan 27th, see you soon!
OBELLERY將於兔年重推兔子銀飾工作坊讓各位再多一款手作選擇。揉合摺紙藝術美學而設計的兔子以幾何形態呈現(由Alex Tsai Petit Object Design設計),剛強的線條和兔子固有的可愛形象產生有趣對比,型格卻不嬌柔造作,不論男女老幼都適合擁有。
New Workshop - Silver Sleigh Bell Workshop and Relaunching of Christmas Brass Charms Workshop
Obellery will be holding a silver sleigh bell workshop this winter. You will learn to construct a sleigh bell starting from a plain silver sheet. Which could be used as an accessory or attached to a self-made silver bangle. In the process, you will get a taste of traditional silver smithing skills such as piercing, filing, forging, annealing, and more.
#PMQGiftYourStyle-Jewellery x Tattoo Collaboration
PMQ元創方是一個創意火花四濺的地方,把不同形式的藝術家及設計師集結起來,靈感碰撞總能激發出不一樣的意念。今年聖誕節,「#PMQGiftYourStyle」以「花形鏤身.首飾伴墨」為創作意念,邀請卓韻芝及紋身藝術家JeffLi來一次聯乘創作,為PMQ 8間首飾店設計紋身圖案——當首飾設計遇上紋身藝術,表達出不同層次的女性美。
卓韻芝X Jeff Li:文字短句紋身圖案
Top 5 Local Jewellery Brands In Hong Kong
Top 5 Local Jewellery Brands In Hong Kong by Happy Hong Konger
Happy Mid-Autumn Festival!
Mid-Autumn Festival Special Workshop!
New Workshop - Loop-In-Loop Silver Chains! Other Workshops by Appointment
Summer 2022 New Workshops!
New Workshops in Summer 2022! Gemstone Signet Ring Workshop and Cloisonné Enamelling Jewellery Workshop.
落花.餘葉 Bloom and Doom - 當代工藝聯展 Contemporary Craft Exhibition
時裝設計師 楊展 Yeung Chin 利用植物染印技術將已經死去或失去利用價值的花樹草葉轉印在布料上,重現植物生前最豔麗的色彩,當中隱藏的信息需要觀看者自己參透。
而當代金工師 李家樑 Chris Li 則利用有機植物鑄造工藝將花朵停留在最美麗的狀態,集合繁多種類的合金,以植物不同的部分建構起屬於自己美學的工藝品,讓植物得以用金屬的軀體永遠保存。
‘Bloom and Doom’ features contemporary crafts by fashion designer Yeung Chin and contemporary jeweller Chris Li Ka Leung. With their unique practices, they both make use of frail plants and preserve their periods of bloom. Transforming their fleeting existence into everlasting creations.
Feature: 信報
MATERIAL MATTERS - Contemporary Jewellery Group Exhibition 當代首飾群展
Announcement : WORN STORY 飾.事. - A Photography and Story Exhibition by Obellery Gallery
Obellery Gallery 夥同《LOUISE》導演和攝影師Stephenie Kay進行了一個多月的故事彙集和拍攝,並誠意的為您展現30多位來自不同背景的人和他們的飾品之間的故事。現誠邀您於二月十一日至三月十一日期間親臨Obellery Gallery参與這場人與首飾之間關係的探索之旅。
Obellery Gallery has collaborated with the photographer and film director of《LOUISE》Stephenie Kay. Capturing fascinating stories from over 30 participants of different backgrounds. Obellery Gallery cordially invites you to visit 《Worn Story》, a pop up exhibition that features both stories and photography running from February 11th to March 11th.