Fidela - Musician 音樂家
I like to wear the items that were gifted to me by a special person in my life because it always reminds me how I’m treasured by that person.
在十幾歲的時候我媽媽把我父親當年送給她的一對黃金戒指給了我,其中一隻象徵著父親對她永遠的愛,另一隻是為他們的婚禮而準備的。 每枚戒指的內側都刻有父親的名字以及送給母親當天的日期。 雖然我父母在我3歲的時候就分開了,我也再沒有見過父親了,但當我戴著這些戒指時,我會覺得拉近了我與父母之間的距離。這對戒指使我記著並珍惜著他們的愛,把我帶到這一個世界的他們之間的愛。
These items were given to me by my mother when I was a teenager. They are a pair of yellow gold rings originally given to my mother by my father, one was to symbolise his forever love to her, and one was for their wedding. My father’s name and the date which it was given to my mother is engraved on the inside of each ring. Although my parents separated when I was 3 years old, and I never saw my father again, whenever I wear these rings, I feel close to both of my parents, and I remember and value the love they once shared that brought me into this world.
我每日都會佩戴這一對戒指,不僅因為它們使我想起了我的父母,還因它們簡約且易於搭配日常穿著。我平時都傾向於選擇符合我性格的首飾,我喜歡與眾不同但不太奢華的東西,簡單又能引人注目的首飾是最完美的。 除了彰顯個性之外,對於特別之人所贈送的首飾我會有特別的情感。我喜歡佩戴生命中重要的人所贈送的首飾,這樣會讓我感覺到我被這個人珍惜著。
I wear them every day, not only because they remind me of my parents, but they are simple, pretty and easy to wear daily. Aside from these, I tend to choose jewellery that I feel matches my character. I like things that are a little bit unusual or out of the ordinary but not too extravagant. A simple statement piece or something a little eye catching is perfect. I also hold sentimental value towards certain items; if they were chosen or gifted to me by a special person in my life, I like to wear that item and remember how I’m treasured by that person.