Announcement : WORN STORY 飾.事. - A Photography and Story Exhibition by Obellery Gallery
Belinda Chang Belinda Chang

Announcement : WORN STORY 飾.事. - A Photography and Story Exhibition by Obellery Gallery

Obellery Gallery 夥同《LOUISE》導演和攝影師Stephenie Kay進行了一個多月的故事彙集和拍攝,並誠意的為您展現30多位來自不同背景的人和他們的飾品之間的故事。現誠邀您於二月十一日至三月十一日期間親臨Obellery Gallery参與這場人與首飾之間關係的探索之旅。

Obellery Gallery has collaborated with the photographer and film director of《LOUISE》Stephenie Kay. Capturing fascinating stories from over 30 participants of different backgrounds. Obellery Gallery cordially invites you to visit 《Worn Story》, a pop up exhibition that features both stories and photography running from February 11th to March 11th.

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