Yu Chan
Even though it is not the style of jewelry I would wear, I really adore the love and message it implies.
It was October last year when my mother surprised me with a gold ring. The ring has delicate leafy pattern which we both know isn’t normally my style and something I would likely be wearing. It should however be a gift that she would wish to gift to me on my birthday.
我在之後整理收拾這枚戒指的時候,發現在可能十年前吧,她也是在我生日時送了我一隻玫瑰金手鐲,可能在老一輩的思想當中,他們覺得金除了值錢之外,還代表著一種分量,他們會覺得金在意義和祝福上的重量都比其他東西要重,是一種象徵她對女兒的愛中最重貴的一種表達方式。 儘管我可能不太會配戴這個飾品,但我收到這份禮物還是非常的感動,因爲這一枚小小的戒指代表著她對我的牽掛和心意,代表著她特意的爲我去挑選一隻她認為我會喜歡的戒指。
It later came across my mind while I was tidying up that around 10 years ago. My mum had also given to me a rose gold bangle. It could be a common conception of the older generation that gold, besides symbolising things of high value, also signifies importance. They would believe that gold in a way is more “superior” and weighs more than the other materials, hence equivalent to her blessings to me. From her perspective this is the most precious way of expressing her love. Even though it is highly unlikely that I would wear it as an accessory, she still especially chose it for me as she believed it would suit me and that touched me deeply.