Elsie - Office Manager 辦公室經理
A nice embellishment that is perfect and imperfect all the same time and a not so heart-warming story of a present.
這枚鑲有紅寶石的鍍金戒指是我在2017年去斯里蘭卡旅行時買的,我一般會在日常休閒的時候佩戴這件飾品,比如是朋友聚會的時候。這枚戒指既完美又不完美,但它卻保存著我那獨自到美麗的斯里蘭卡的 10 天旅行中最珍貴的回憶,這個國家以其精美的寶石而聞名,有不同顏色的藍寶石、紅寶石和亞歷山大變石等等,那裡的寶石數量令人目不暇給,每一處旅遊勝地都可以隨處見到這些寶石店鋪和小攤。
I bought this ring in Sri Lanka 2017, it is a gold-plated ring set with a ruby gemstone, I usually wear it on casual occasions, like meeting up with friends. This ring is something that is perfect and imperfect at the same time, but it holds the dearest memories of my solo 10 days trip to the beautiful Sri Lanka, a country known for their fine gemstones, different colours of sapphires, ruby, and alexandrite. The number of gemstones they have are very impressive, they have it everywhere with local guide touring.
大家談及自己的飾品時,其背後的意義和故事通常都非常暖心和富含重大意義,當然我自己也有這樣的飾品,但除此之外我還有一些“可怕”的購買故事。這個故事要從我多年前在網上給朋友結婚買的鑽石手鍊禮物說起,在幾週前她突然問起我這個手鍊的來源,它是否來自另一個國家,我當然就問她為什麼會在這個奇怪的時間點問我這個問題呢。原來最近她的孩子變得很沮並且不太想回家,孩子們晚上也很難睡得著,而有時候午夜時電視更會突然自己打開 Netflix。在發生了這麼多詭異的事情后,她就請了位風水大師檢查一下房子,而當她把所有的首飾都拿出來讓大師檢查時,發現我送她的鑽石手鍊是唯一一件飾品氧化成黑色,大師更指出這個手鍊被另一個國家的東西纏住了,所以她就問我有關的東西。
I have always wanted a gemstone ring, so this trip was just right up my alley, so I went into this rather large-scale jewellery shop and browse around what they have when I found this specific ruby stone and asked to embed it on a tailor-made ring. The salesman charged me USD700 with discount, of course to persuade me he praised a lot about the stone I chose was perfect, and that only real rubies will not have any scratches on them but turns out that it is not a real one, because I found out that there is a scratch line within the ruby when I come back to Hong Kong.
When people mentioned their jewelleries, the meaning and the stories behind are usually pretty heart-warming and meaningful, and I do have those too, but I also have “terrifying” stories with a few of my purchase. This story starts with the diamond bracelet I bought online as a wedding gift for my friend years ago. Few weeks ago, out of the blue she asked about the bracelet’s origin, whether it is from another country or not. I asked why she is asking this now, as told her kids are upset and almost hold a refusal attitude to go home, they cannot sleep properly at night, the TV will switch on in midnight and jump to Netflix by itself. Having so many spooky things happened, she then asked a FungShui master to check the house, and as she displays all her jewelleries out for the master to check, they saw that the bracelet was the only one oxidised to black, and the master point out that this bracelet is haunted by something from another country, and that’s why she is asking me all these.