Announcememnt : New Collection by Belinda Chang
今個夏季OBELLERY為你帶來Belinda Chang最新系列Bubbling Sensations Collection.
這一系列的作品延續了First Frost系列的精髓,以無數的小圓珠拼湊起來形成氣泡般的結構。每一顆圓珠均是設計師以蠟雕琢而成,並打磨成圓滑無瑕的表面,眾多珠子的反光面讓這一系列的作品如同寶石般耀眼,散發著柔和的光彩。
When the joys deep inside us manifests into a slight tingling, that’s when we know we see something perfect. The Bubbling Sensations Collection takes the frozen droplets of first frost to a whole new level, overwhelming us with clusters of beaded beauties. Countless orbs carved in staggering arrays and polished to a soft radiance is the signature charm of this collection.
You can visit the link below for more details: