


Feel like life is repetitive and looking for unique fun activities to recharge yourself ? Our silver ring jewellery making workshop might be the perfect mini getaway for you and your beloved partner, family and friends!

During the workshop, our tutors will teach in small groups or individuals and guide you step by step throughout the crafting process, ensuring that even absolute beginners could achieve satisfactory results. You will get a taste of basic silversmithing skills such as: Piercing, Filing, Annealing, Soldering, Basic hammering, Texturing, Polishing, Twisting.

There are 3 levels of ring styles available to choose from, each with a unique set of designs templates that focuses on a different aspect of the craft.


Level 1 / 1.5-2 hours / $980 HKD for 1 person ( 1 ring )

Minimalist classic perfect for everyday wear / 款式簡單,適合沒有任何首飾製作經驗的人參加

Level 2 / 2-3 hours / $1280 HKD for 1 person ( 1 ring )

Designs that highlight the charm of specific metalsmithing techniques 難度相對比較高,款式比較複雜一點

Level 3 / 2-3 hours / $1480 for 1 person ( 1 ring )

A selection of advanced design that will require an extra bit of patience 所需的製作時間較長,參加者需要較多的耐性和技巧去完成

  • Level 1 / 1.5-2 hours / $980 HKD for 1 person ( 1 ring )

    Level 2 / 2-3 hours / $1280 HKD for 1 person ( 1 ring )

    Level 3 / 2-3 hours / $1480 for 1 person ( 1 ring )

  • 可以一人報名或是最多六人一班 / Maximum six people in one class

  • 一堂完成,大約 1.5 至 3 小時 / 1 lesson, approximately 1.5-3 hours

  • Extra fee for laser engraving $160 HKD per ring (engraved area approx 1/4 of the ring)

    鐳射刻字為額外服務,每隻戒指價值港幣160元 ,另需時約一星期處理(刻字面積約四份一隻戒指)


Remember fill in how many person are joining the class ~

記得選擇參加人數~ Remember fill in how many person are joining the class ~

Course Information:

  • Level 1 / 1.5-2 hours / $920 HKD

    Minimalist classic perfect for everyday wear / 款式簡單,適合沒有任何首飾製作經驗的人參加

    Level 2 / 2-3 hours / $1280 HKD

    Designs that highlight the charm of specific metalsmithing techniques 難度相對比較高,款式比較複雜一點

    Level 3 / 2-3 hours / $1480

    A selection of advanced design that will require an extra bit of patience 所需的製作時間較長,參加者需要較多的耐性和技巧去完成

  • 可以一人報名或是最多四人一班 / Maximum four people in one class

  • 工作坊可以英語丶粵語或普通話授教

    can be taught in either Cantonese, English or Mandarin. We welcome both locals and visitors from abroad to get a taste of traditional gold and silver smithing.

  • Extra fee for lazer engraving $160 HKD per ring.

    鐳射刻字為額外服務,每隻戒指價值港幣160元 (另需時約一星期處理)

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